About Me

I've been playing music professionally for decades. Performing live is an exciting thing, but I also sit behind my keyboard in the wee hours trying to re-score moments in my favorite movies because it's fun and challenging to create connections between music and visuals. I think there's real magic in a language that has the power to convey emotions and stories without a single word.

I think of design the same way. I'm fascinated by the idea that a layout can be beautiful, that an image can inspire a mood. As a marketing professional, my goal is to move people to action, but I'm a graphic designer for the same reason I'm a musician; I love to do it, plain and simple.

I believe the work you'll see on this site is a fair, if not comprehensive, representation of my design ethic and skills. I did not include things here like making a usable head shot in Photoshop out of a manager's head and the body of someone who DOES wear a suit.  (Some forms of magic are just tricks, but I like those too.)

If you're interested in some of my soundtrack work, please give the tracks below a spin.  To see what I get up to when people leave a microphone on, please visit my band's page at http://www.kingteddy.com.

Contact me at (804) 833-6752, or at mike@whistlecorps.com.